lol - this is usually where my radio will also have someone saying … “Alexa” – and my ‘brat box’ is constantly reminding me that she’s sorry and can’t help with that one. Another workaround for 'invisible mouse cursors' in text files / putty sessions etc. If anyone would hear me yelling – (they can’t, though!) they would think I’m probably about to murder some dude name “pointer”. better than having a stroke while yelling at my computer to bring my pointer back and stop stealing it. when the pointer disappears – it does take like 3 or 4 clicks for the plug-em in mousie to be seen – but part of that clicking is my waking sleeping beauty up – so there’s that.Ĭouple clicks and I keep on rockin ….

My solution? I keep my travel plug-em in rolly mouse close by and plugged in …. everywhere … I tried walking away and seeing if after time it would come back …. I have tried many times now – turning mouse off, back on … click click click here…. I have also found a sure fire way to make the pointer disappear – if you’re using the Pages App – drawing shapes, filling them with color – click the ‘color picker’ eye dropper tool – find the color you wish to match – ‘click’ – – Boom-POOF! Boom – the color does change correctly… but then – POOF!! – see ya, bye, later – that pointer is history – it be gooonnnne! In fact, it may already be resolved in OS X Mavericks as I have yet to run into it using the developer preview builds of 10.9. This is obviously a bug, which means it’s probably an easy fix for Apple. Very rarely the cursor will be missing everywhere, which requires either every single application be quit or the computer to reboot. Typically using the Command+Tab app switcher or Force Quit trick are enough to bring the cursor back for most apps, but if it’s consistently missing in a single app you may need to relaunch that app itself. Adjust the size of the cursor, found in System Preferences > Accessibility > Display to make it reappear.Quit and relaunch the app, or quit all apps if the cursor is gone everywhere.

Hit Command+Tab to switch back to the Finder or to another app, then switch back to the active app.